We provide care and support for children in all aspects of their academic and mental health and wellbeing needs. We are a MHST school (Mental Health Schools Team) so can refer students where low level Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) interventions can help.

Click here to view our MHST School Information Letter.

In School Help

The Academy can offer support for students experiencing difficulties. Students areĀ encouraged to talk with their tutor or other trusted adult as a first step.Ā  School based help may include referral to other services, signposting help and support from Peer Mentors.

Heads of Year can refer students to our school counsellor where this may be of benefit.

Through the curriculum we aim to teach and promote wellbeing and to help students develop their resilience to the challenges of life.Ā  We understand that some students and their parents will need additional help with their mental health and wellbeing.

We signpost students to online and in person help provided by external agencies to enable them to manage their own mental health needs and wellbeing. This takes place in PSHCE lessons, through assemblies and through the tutorial programme.

We are a ā€˜tellingā€™ school and encourage students to approach staff when they feel they may need help, guidance or support and encourage Ansford students to act as advocates for each other and seek help for their friends if they are concerned.

All students can reportĀ any concerns they have through our anonymous email addressĀ calledĀ [email protected].

External Support

The aim of this section is to signpost the help that is available when you need it beyond school hours: