The Ansford Learning Partnership (ALP)

The Ansford Learning Partnership provides the opportunity to work with children across the local schools in a range of curricular and extra-curricular activities.  This includes regular sports festivals and tournaments held at Ansford Academy to enable older learners to develop leadership and coaching skills as they work with primary pupils in a safe and competitive environment. Primary learners benefit also from enrichment days for example, More Able children with particular talents, subject specific sessions and the opportunity to perform as part of a big theatrical production!

More recently we have developed regular networking and Continuing Professional Development opportunities.  The ALP priorities we are working on together are:

  • Focus on raising attainment in maths across the primary schools
  • Further develop the skills & knowledge of learning support staff in supporting maths
    intervention programmes
  • Continue to develop expertise within local EYFS leaders with a focus on moderation
    judgements & sharing good practice
  • Share data across the 7 primary schools in order to analyse areas of strength & areas
    for development
  • Establish a SENCO working group in order to share expertise & resources and to
    identify areas of expertise
  • Establish support & guidance on the effective use of data for English and Maths
  • Moderation of quality of teaching judgements