Following government changes to education in 2014, every student is now required to stay in full time education: undertake an apprenticeship or participate in a mix of work and learning once they leave Ansford Academy and up until the age of 18.

Information for Parents/Carers Post 16 and Post 18

Click here for Post 16 and Post 18 information.

Careers Information for Year 11 Parents/Carers

What decisions will your son or daughter have to make in Year 11? 

Information about qualifications, the labour market, staying in education, apprenticeships and help can be found here.

T-Levels – The Next Level Generation

Find out what T-Levels are and how they work in this video released by the Department of Education.

Watch Now!

Apprenticeships – An Introduction



Post 16 Events

Year 11 – Moving On Evening and Next Steps

An evening of talks from local Colleges, Sixth Form schools and Apprenticeship providers

Date to be confirmed

See SchoolComms for further details and to register.


If you would like further advice, please contact your Independent Careers Adviser, Mrs Wendy Watson [email protected].