In the Spring Term of Year 9, we ask you to make some decisions about the subjects you would like to specialise in during Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4). Although everyone at Ansford Academy will study a ‘common core’ of subjects, the options process gives students the ability to request to study a further four subjects.
We recommend that you select courses in which you have a real aptitude as well as interest. It is important that you understand your own strengths and weaknesses so that you can optimise your chances of success.
Please use the information in the Options Booklet and seek advice and guidance from your teachers, your tutor and the adults in your family. All of these people know you in some way and may be able to suggest whether they think a subject would suit you as a learner.
The two years of preparation for GCSE examinations are the most significant and important to date and GCSE grades are a key element in admission to your next stage of learning beyond Ansford Academy.
If you require any further information or have any questions please contact Mr Rob Mitchell (Deputy Headteacher: Curriculum, Teaching and Learning) [email protected].
Options Booklet
Ansford Academy Year 9 Options Booklet 2025-26.
Submitting your Options Choices
The deadline for submitting your choices is Friday 9th February. The form to be completed is an electronic form that needs to be completed online.
You will only be able to complete the form once so please make sure you enter all the details
correctly before submitting the form.
Complete your choices via the Option Choices Form.
Useful Careers Information for Year 9 Students
See our Useful Website page on Our Careers pages.