Our Ambition for Reading

At Ansford Academy our ambition is for all of our students to be reading at or above their chronological age by the end of Year 9. This will allow students to confidently access their Key Stage 4 curriculum and GCSE exams. Confidence in reading will lead to students reading regularly, which will increase their cultural capital, enhance their vocabulary and develop their imagination. Reading enables them to become empathetic, critical and thoughtful communicators, both during their time at school and beyond.

We aim to build a reading culture where students develop a love of reading and read for pleasure. They have access to a diverse range of reading material, supplementing the curriculum and providing students with the opportunity to explore different perspectives, cultures and time periods.

A good level of reading is essential for students’ acquisition of knowledge and their ability to develop schema (making connections between the things that they know, both within and across their subjects). The average reading age required to access GCSE level texts and examination papers is 15 years and 7 months. We therefore have a comprehensive and rigorous approach to reading, which ensures that our students develop the knowledge, vocabulary and reading fluency to access the curriculum and their exams, and that they leave school with sufficient reading skills for future learning and employment.

We ensure that our students read widely and constructively, and students’ reading supplements our curriculum to ensure that students leave us with sufficient knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life. Our approach to reading develops students’ reading skills, comprehension and accuracy, builds their confidence and develops an enjoyment of reading.

Ansford Academy Reading Curriculum Booklet