Academy trusts are not-for-profit charitable companies and have Members that have a similar role to that of shareholders of a company. The Members hold the trust Governing Board to account for the effective governance of the trust.
In this case, Ansford Academy Trust is the charitable company. It employs the staff and has a board of trustees (also known as Governors) who are responsible for the performance of the academy.
The Governors are responsible for three over-riding tasks:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and the strategic direction of the Academy
- Holding the Head of School to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its students
- Overseeing the financial performance of the Academy and ensuring financial probity
The Governors fulfil these tasks by considering reports at formal meetings but also through visits to school and the scrutiny of operations. The full governing body meets twice a term and there are also three committees that specialise on areas of school life:
Curriculum and Standards Committee – has responsibility for all the teaching and learning which takes place in the Academy, including the curriculum and the academic success of all students.
Finance, Business, Audit and Risk Committee – monitors the financial position of the Academy and the strategies for the use of the Academy resources and buildings.
Culture, Community and Welfare Committee – monitors, evaluates and reviews Academy policy, practice and performance in relation to Safeguarding, Attendance, Behaviour, Human Resources, Wellbeing and Mental Health.
The Head of School and the Senior Leadership Team run the school on a day to day basis and attend each committee meeting to provide advice and to help with the effective scrutiny and performance management of the school operations.
For the full ‘Terms of Reference’ of these committees here.
Membership of the Governing Body
The Articles of the Company allow for up to 18 governors who sit on the Governing Board.
7 elected parents
Up to 10 Director/governors
The Head of School
The Executive Headteacher
Members of Ansford Academy Trust
Ansford Academy is a charitable trust with five current members.
Enita Andrews
Gareth Price
Mark Woodlock
Caroline Kitchiner
Why become a Governor?
The Academy often advertises for Governors to play a vital role in the running of our school. We welcome applications from a range of professional backgrounds; you don’t have to have a background in education. By volunteering as a Governor you can make a difference by shaping the future of children and young people in our community. You will also develop important skills and make connections with other like minded professionals.
We are looking for enthusiastic people, willing to give time to shaping our Academy’s future. You may well have experience and talents which we need – maybe in business or finance, in dealing with people, making things happen or tackling change. It’s a responsibility – but very rewarding. Induction and on-going training will be provided. If you are interested please contact the Clerk to the Governors on [email protected].