Head of Year
Main or Upper Scale plus TLR2B
A member of the Ansford Academy Middle Leadership Team.
September 2025 start
We are looking for a Head of Year to join our Pastoral Support Team. This is a pivotal role in the Academy and our Heads of Year are a central part to the extended Leadership Team. This post therefore offers a key step in a move towards senior management. The role is offered with a reduced teaching allocation of around 34/50 periods. The team is united by a shared purpose and vision; striving to see our students unlock their potential and secure happy and successful futures; develop the skills to become motivated lifelong learners and become people who are capable of forming and maintaining high quality relationships.
Please see the application pack for full details of the role and the Academy, and we look forward to hearing from you.
The closing date is Mon 3 March at 09.00.
To apply please go to https://ansfordacademy.face-ed.co.uk/vacancies